Legendary animation "Furikuri". The new work for the first time in 18 years will be released as a theatrical version of the two parts. Theatrical version "Furikuri Altana" which started on September 7 is directed by Yutaka Uemura, and in this theatrical version "Furikuri Progres", six directors are in charge of one story at a time.
Also in "Altana" Super Heroine, Haruharu Haruko who followed the OVA version appeared, Haruko split in "Progress", and two new characters, Rahal and Jinyu, run around the screen. It may sound like a rather complicated content. However, it is not quite the case. Here, the horizon said to be "comfortable chaos" appears, rather chaos spurred the video's voltage and the speed of the work is accelerating.
The youth group image mainly with lonely headphones girls is downer compared to "altana", but it is persuasive to explode because it is gloomy. Because there are more directors, the feel of the story is rich in variety, but that rather colors the bumpiness peculiar to the adolescent and vividly instantaneously sparks the sequence beyond theory. The world view unique to "Furikuri" where everyday life and extraordinary life are next to each other is unchanged, but the touch of this work is a splash in a word. The sense of squirrel is varied and it is full of exciting thrills.
Lawless zone where anything is possible. At first glance it seems so, but it is by no means inexhaustible. Although the individuality of each director is different, like team play in sports, dynamism is increased by being next to each other. In Japan there is home cooking that throws out various ingredients called "hodgepodge." It is noticed that “hodgepodge“ is refreshing feeling and peace of mind as in "hodgepodge". A perfect companion for "Autumn of appetite".
Written by:Toji Aida(相田冬二)
Theater version "Furikuri Progres"
Director: Kazuto Arai, Toshihisa Kaiya, Yuki Ogawa, Yoshihide Ibata, Kei Suezawa, Hiroshi Ikebata
To be released Friday, September 28
©2018 Production I.G / Toho